Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another FaF Post.

Hello bloggers and readers. I have an update / more news.

So tomorrow morning i am due in to remington college in north olmsted, oh for a tour, registration and or enrollment.
My first issue was coming up with bus fare which i think i managed to get handled, no thanks to the witch and her attempts to sabotage my success. I asked her to BORROW bus fare which i would pay back, she claims shes "broke" But then turns around and requests that i go to the store for her, hands me a 20 dollar bill and requests toilet paper. Mind you she goes no where other then to the doc every OTHER thursday, and seeing as she isnt due till NEXT thursday (not this week) she has almost no excuse for not being able to spot me 5$ til i get back to her house with her repayment. So i side stepped her all together (yes i am known for doing this )

 So hopefully tomorrow will go decently. Im going to grill them about FA, and any student housing programs or stuff in that nature they may have seeing as i pretty much have to start completely over, fresh, with nothing and no assitance from anyone. I hope they have or can work out something to where i can get a loan or grant and make sure i can get a place out there and what not. Personally idc about a roommate as i already have one in mind. So pretty much i need to be able to hold out till the roommate has things together (supposedly june) and then i wont have to do all bills and rent alone. I am constantly filling out apps and going to North Olmsted in an attempt to become "known" a little better, as well as keeping myself away from "moms" and being less stressed. If all goes well i will be out of her house well before june and I will continue to move in the right direction. My CNA degree is seemingly lighter then going to a state school for psychology. The CNA degree is my first step, which will allow me to test the waters of school and see if i can deal with it as well as get back into learning and dealing with groups of ppl whom may frustrate me. But seeing as its remington and not CSU classes will be smaller in size and there will be more one on one time with teachers and hopefully if i take to it well ill be able to move at my own bushin like pace (SPEED OR GTFO) as most things about computers, programming, and maintaining a network comes simple to me as ive been doing this shit since i was a kid. really got into at 17 and ive been doing it ever since.

ill try to keep those of you who care updated. Hopefully this is the stare to "peace" i been searching for.
Pray for me as i need all the extra good karma i can get, as im not just doing this for myself, im doing it for mine and some other peoples futures bc life cant continue on the way it is, and I love to help out my friends and people close to me. So yeah. Do work time. Leggo!

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