Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gonna start using this blog instead of live journal.

So as you can see from the post of my title, im going to start using my google synced blog instead of livejournal..
While ive been with lj for a long time, i feel like since i am not GAMING i should leave that blog alone, if i decide or i am able to actually get back into gaming (need to pay off at&t to reacquire their service) then ill handle that.

Seeing as parts of my life are interesting to some, a joke to others.. whatever it is i would like to be able to keep those of you who want to read informed. Yes i spam pix more because ppl are usually "POIDH" (pics or it didnt happen) I would also like to vlog (video blog) and maybe get back into making the whole youtube partnership happen.

So i guess this is the start of me coming back to bloging, ranting, etc. I feel like ppl on facebook and twitter may not want their feeds weighed down with shit about my life and theres a API limit on FB and twitter, So this is the next best step.

And lets not even mention actual facebook. The most ugliest thing ever now that i have android. Cant even bring myself to get on facebook on my laptop most times due to the games spam, games invites, and other random bullshit that can be filtered but is a bitch to accomplish.

Android Facebook (Katana) is immune to all of it, i get no games requests, no ads, no pop ups. Just a very clear and clean way to stay connected and keep ppl updated. So im going to merge it all into one.

Anywho Thanks for reading, If you enjoy comment, email me, inbox me, tweet me, etc, lemme know your thoughts, comments, etc, if you wanna see anything, help out, lend advice / assistance / etc. Feel free.

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