Monday, March 5, 2012

Let's play sum MAHVEL BABEH!

Let's play sum UMVC3! This is the last video i recorded after i decided to test out my findings and discover more while the camera was rolling.

You will notice some very strange looking combo's None of them are "easy" to pull off due to the difficulty involved in controlling the mad beast in X factor level 3.

If you thought " Mad beast " was hard to control alone, now tack on the speed increase and frame drops of X factor lvl 3 and it gets tricky.

Once u get the hang of it you can do some really sick looking combo's.

I decided to take jill from her RE5 essence, where she was originally installed as a speedy but fairly weak character.

I also took elements from the movies and how i thought they tried to portray her and i added in combos which i felt fitting. Seeing as wesker loves to cross people up and teleport back and forth, why not do the same with her? low and behold it works. I am however unhappy that she can only get 1 bounce from her moves, if you do arrow kick or cartwheel in succession, the first one will bounce, the second will hit but there will be no bounce, you may still otg after the second arrow kick, cartwheel, or flip kick (light punch)

I may do a small write up but i need to analyze more frame data and get more combos to toy around with.

She is VERY limited to the ground, she does NOT fair to well in the air, Thus you may have to make up for this with an assist or a DHC to a different character like vergil or wesker, or a flyer. i hate people who run it urks me so!